PT Sampoerna Agro Tbk

Budget & Cost Control Staff

Diposting 2 bulan yang lalu



  • Assist in the budgeting process, starting from collecting data from each department, reviewing the reasonableness of the budget, and consolidating the budget into a corporate budget.
  • Control and analyze actual vs budget.
  • Coordinate and confirm overbudget costs with relevant departments.
  • Prepare budget analysis report.
  • Ensure costing is in accordance with the cost post and in accordance with the budget allocation.


  • S1 in Accounting.
  • Have at least 3 years of work experience in the same field and come from the oil palm plantation industry.
  • Able to operate Ms. Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint).
  • Able to process data properly.
  • Willing to join immediately.
  • Willing to be placed at South Jakarta.

Tentang Perusahaan

PT Sampoerna Agro Tbk adalah sebuah perusahaan publik di Indonesia yang bergerak di bidang usaha perkebunan dan pemrosesan produk-produk dari kelapa sawit (utama), ditambah sagu dan karet.


Sampoerna Strategic Square North, Lt. 24
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 45
Jakarta DKI Jakarta 12930

Detail Pekerjaan

  • Tipe Pekerjaan Full Time
  • Min. Pendidikan S1
  • Penempatan Kerja Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Perkiraan Gaji ---
  • Batas Akhir Lamaran ---

Tertarik Bergabung?

Ajukan lamaran Anda sekarang sebelum tanggal penutupan lowongan.

*Proses rekrutmen tidak dipungut biaya. Hati-hati terhadap penipuan yang mengatasnamakan perusahaan.