Diposting 2 bulan yang laluDeskripsi
1. Performance Engineer
Responsibilities :
- New Models Development
- Performance Evaluation, SNI Test & EER Test
- Testing & approval of VE & Electrical parts
- Analyze & improve performance
- Set up schedule for AC testing
- Create AC testing work standard
- Organize maintenance activities
Qualifications :
- Diploma (D3) in Refrigeration & Air Conditioning / Energy Conversion / Mechanical Engineering
- Able to make 2D drawings (Solidwork is preferred)
- Able to do basic measurements
- Knowledgeable about Refrigeration & Air Conditioner
- Familiarity with air conditioner working principles & installation
- Proficient in cooling load calculation for Air Conditioner
- A familiarity with Microsoft Office and Adobe Ilustrator
2. Electrical Engineer
Responsibilities :
- New Models Development
- Software Development
- Electrical parts evaluation
- Testing and approval of VE part
- SAP and BOM Control
- Content Creation
Qualifications :
- Diploma (D3) in Electrical Engineering
- Proficient in PCB design & troubleshooting
- Proficient in Logic Software/Programming
- Electrical knowledge of part evaluation
- Knowledgeable about materials science
- Able to make 2D drawings (Solidwork is preferred)
- Proficient in Measurement (Mechanic and Electric)
- A familiarity with Microsoft Office and Adobe Ilustrator
Tentang Perusahaan
PT Panasonic Manufacturing Indonesia merupakan perusahaan elektronik asal Jepang yang memproduksi peralatan dan spare parts elektornika seperti Lampu, Mesin Cuci, Kulkas sampai dengan semikonduktor seperti IC dan juga Discreate.
Jl. Raya Bogor KM. 29
Pekayon, Kec. Ps. Rebo, Jakarta Timur
DKI Jakarta 13710
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